Examples of content not allowed include but are not limited to: insults, hrassment, name calling, or trolling abuse of the report button because you do not like a post, a rule, an OP, or a mod 'Baiting' other users in to insults via trolling Being overly negative, condescending, argumentative, or mocking Slurs or insults of any kind Politics. Every example listed in this rule is an immediately bannable offense without warning, but this is not an exhaustive list.

Don't be overly hostile or rude to other users. Keep the discussion civil and light, or your submission/comment will be removed. Official Website Frequently Asked Questions Steam Deck Discord Steam Deck Forum ProtonDB Rules:īe kind or Get Yeeted. There is a chance that Hogwarts Legacy breaches 1M or breaks the all-time mark, and if ever it does, we’ll be sure to let our readers know.Welcome to r/SteamDeck, the subreddit for Valve's handheld computer. If you haven’t picked the game up yet, go read our review here to see what all the ruckus is about! We gave it a 10/10 score, and we think it’s very deserving of it. Now, when you factor in that the game is also slated for release on the PS4, Xbox One and Switch, then it’s safe to say that WB Games and Avalanche Software has a new franchise on their hands. Note that given this number for Hogwarts Legacy doesn’t even count the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S player bases, this number could easily be double or triple that.

8th Highest peak ever for any game genre.Peaking at 879.308 today, Hogwarts Legacy managed to crack the top 10 concurrent player count high on Steam! More impressive stats from the game’s Steam performance (via SteamDB): With that much interest, it’s not surprising that it has translated to people wanting to play it, and that’s just what happened, as the Hogwarts Legacy concurrent player count on Steam has breached 850,000!

When it launched, Hogwarts Legacy breached over 1.2 concurrent million watchers on Twitch making it the second highest watched game on the platform.